Outcome of EGM held 10/02/24
RE : Proposed Membership Tariff Change
Dear Members,
With regards to the above meeting held on Saturday 10th February 2024.
The one motion was to increase the annual subscription for members by £5 from the May 2024 renewal. This meant a full member would pay £25 and an honorary member would pay £15.
The motion was passed with 13 votes for and 1 abstention.
The managing committee can confirm the above will come into effect for the 24/25 membership year. New membership applications and renewals will reopen the 1st May 2024
Thank you
The Committee
Bowls season has finished for 2022 and here is a brief round up of all the teams endeavours. – 04/11/2022
The A team had a mixed season, coming 6th in the Alty and SW Manchester league. They won the 3rd division of the Trafford evening league, well done all.
The B team had a steady season finishing mid table in the Urmston league, whole new experience for them.
The Vets stayed mid table but the Vets A team won their knockout cup, well done.
The season was rounded off with the annual curry night at the Adrak where trophies were awarded for ‘players player of the year’ and ‘managers player’. A team honours went to Paul Kelly, managers player and Jo Griffin took players player. B team honours went to Sian Kelly, managers player and John Bell took players player.
Well deserved and here’s to next season, even better things to come.

Vets A Team of ’22

John Bell

Sian Kelly and Joanne Griffin

Paul Kelly
TGH Dementia Ward Donation 21/10/2022
Yesterday, Our President Peter Radley, has been on an outing to Trafford General with a generous donation to the Dementia Ward on behalf of the club.
To all the staff keep up the fantastic work guys! You do an amazing job!
Membership Renewals – 27/05/2022
All membership subs are sure by the 31st May for all existsing members. Subs will NOT be renewed after this date and an application form must be resubmitted.
Queens Jubilee Weekend!
Join us this Jubilee weekend to celebrate the 70 Years of reign Queen Elizabeth II has achieved! See our whats on page for more information
Spring AGM
The results of our spring AGM will be availiable shortly.