Membership Renewals and Submissions Resume 01/05/2024
Outcome of EGM held 10/02/24
RE : Proposed Membership Tariff Change
Dear Members,
With regards to the above meeting held on Saturday 10th February 2024.
The one motion was to increase the annual subscription for members by £5 from the May 2024 renewal. This meant a full member would pay £25 and an honorary member would pay £15.
The motion was passed with 13 votes for and 1 abstention.
The managing committee can confirm the above will come into effect for the 24/25 membership year. New membership applications and renewals will reopen the 1st May 2024
Thank you
The Committee
Fancy becoming a member?
Fill in the application form below and bring it to the club with your membership fee or call the club on 0161 748 9022 to discuss further.
Annual Subscription – £25
Honorary Renewal – £15
New Members £30 (£25 plus £5 for Membership card)